Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My little guy is no longer a little tiny baby. It seem like overnight he has morphed into an opinionated little person who is into everything. He's not crawling yet, but if there is someplace he wants to get to he finds away. This morning I was sitting on the floor playing with him and eating a muffin. Within seconds Malone made his way over to me, grabbed a handful of muffin, and shoved it in his mouth.

My little baby moments are fleeting.

I'm trying to soak them all in.

I hope I always remember his sweet milky breath and the rise and fall of his chest as he settles in on my chest for a nap.

I hope I always remember what it was like to change a diaper with ease. These days he's a floppy fish on the changing table.

I hope I always remember his tug on my breast as he latches on to nurse.

I hope I always remember the beauty of sunrise during our early morning nursing sessions.

I hope I always remember how I had to buy preemie pants because while he was 7 lbs 11 oz he was so skinny none of his newborn pants fit.

I hope I always remember his little hand clasping my finger as he falls asleep while I wear him.

I hope I always remember. I want to remember it all.


  1. So, so true. If I could bottle that breath, that tug, the settling in ... oh how precious it is. Such joy.
