Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pinch me.

I admit my standards days for decent days low. But, give me a break. I'm a new(ish) mom. HA! If I can survive a day without wearing any form of my son's bodily fluids I call it a good day.

Today was one of those story book days. I'm sure you all know the one's I'm talking about- where it seems as if the cosmos opened up the heavens just to give you an awesome day.

Maybe it's because I've found my tribe- my tribe of baby mamas that I affectionately call the "baby brigade". Today the brigade took descended upon a place in town for a "come as your nap allows" rolling brunch. It was great. 10-12 baby mamas (and a papa!), the babies, a big brother, and servers who went above and beyond normal customer service.

Maybe it's because every I see this big brother, I get a glimpse into what my baby is going to be like at three. He's so curious and interested in everything.

Maybe it's because every time I see big brother's mother she gives me hope. She manages two so well, it's inspiring. She makes me think that someday I could have another and not just make it work, but enjoy it.

Maybe it's because I participated in a little retail therapy and treated myself to a fancy tea from the new place in the mall. The spring clothing is out and makes me really happy. Malone scored some new duds including an awesome rainbow sweater.

Maybe it's because Malone is finally on a predictable schedule of 3 naps and an early bed time.

Maybe it's because a dear family friend had their second baby girl today. Unexpected. A little (two weeks) early. And every one is perfect.

Maybe it's because I got an email from a new friend that filled my love tank in an unexpected way.

Maybe it's because I deserve this.

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